What’s going on in Utah county right now?? A lot, to say the least! The new Adobe building, which broke ground last year, is well-underway and Adobe plans to DOUBLE the number of their employees once this is completed. What does this mean? It means new jobs, which of course leads to more people looking to buy in the immediate area. Businesses have sprung up around them to support the company and their new employees. Their presence has also impressed other companies to follow in their footsteps.
Facebook bought land in Eagle Mountain for their data center (again… new jobs, new home buyers!) This is an added bonus for Eagle Mountain, as Facebook is paying to put in roads, water, and electric to service their data center, which allows Eagle Mountain to flourish even more.
Exactware, Micron, Intel… All of these companies have chosen Utah county to set up camp, which has led expert investors to declare Utah county as one of the top areas to invest in. Solid companies with high-paying jobs move in and land values and demands go up. It’s pretty easy to see why Utah county is up-and-coming in the real estate market.
This is why I encourage buyers, especially first time buyers, to go under contract and get a home now before the market has a chance to go up even higher with all of these major changes. Predictions say that Utah county in 30 years will be as high-priced as California after the internet boom in the 90’s- Yikes! Guess we will check back in 30 years and see how accurate those predictions are!
As always, if you have specific questions about anything in here, comment below or shoot me a text!