What Research Should You Do before Buying a Home?

Buying a home is a huge purchase. Make sure to do the proper research before you jump in. Where to begin?

1- Decide where you want to be– What city do you want to live in? What types of schools do you want to have your kids go to?

2- Distance/drive times– when you find a neighborhood you like, take a drive from that neighborhood to your workplace during traffic times to know what you’re up against.

While these two basic steps need to be done for every house, you may need to take additional research steps.

For example, I’m helping someone from out of state look at a home. They know they want to be in Lehi- so we got through Number 1! They know they want to be close to Trax for work- which gives us Number 2!

But in this case, they want to be able to rent in the future, so we had to figure out what rental rates would be in specific areas. We also had to determine which HOAs would allow for rentals.

So, when looking to make this big decision- first, make a list of what exactly you want- then speak with your Realtor and they can help you do any research necessary FIRST. You want to
make sure that when you put an offer in on your future house, it’ll be exactly what you want.

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