What is Wholesaling?

Wholesaling is when someone prospects for people looking to sell their home quickly.

Think of those signs that say “We Buy Ugly Houses” or “We Buy Houses for Cash”. What these wholesalers do is get your listing, refer it to a list of people they know who can buy quickly and with cash, and then take an assignment fee for connecting you with that buyer. The end buyer may flip that home, rent it out, or finish out a basement to add value to the home.

Now, while there are definite benefits to working with wholesalers (not having to show your home, getting an immediate offer, picking your own closing date, selling quickly, etc.), these benefits come at a price. You sell your home for a quite a bit less this way. However, depending on your situation, this might be something that could work for you.

Do you have any other questions about wholesaling? Feel free to shoot me a message!

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