Home Buying

Who Pays the Realtor When Buying a Home?

In the process of buying a home, one common question that arises is who covers the realtor’s fees. Traditionally, it’s the seller who pays the listing agent, who then compensates the buyer’s agent. However, it’s essential to understand that this arrangement isn’t set in stone, and all fees are negotiable. Traditional Payment Structure Typically, the

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When Buying a Home, What Does Contingent Mean?

If you’re in the process of buying a home, you’ve likely come across the term “contingent.” But what does it mean, and how does it affect your home buying journey? Let’s break it down. What Does “Contingent” Mean? In real estate, “contingent” means that an offer on a home has been made and accepted, but

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When Buying a Home, Who Pays Closing Costs?

Buying a home involves several expenses, and one of the most important ones is closing costs. But who actually pays these costs? Let’s break it down. What Are Closing Costs? Closing costs are fees you pay to finalize your home purchase. These can include: Loan fees Appraisal fees Inspection fees Title insurance Attorney fees Both

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How to Buy a Home for the First Time

Buying your first home is exciting, but it can also seem a bit scary. Don’t worry! At Seasons Real Estate, we’re here to help you every step of the way. Here’s a simple guide to help you understand how to buy your first home. Step 1: Save Money First, you need to save some money.

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How to Buy a Home with No Money Down

Dreaming of homeownership but worried about the hefty down payment? You’re not alone. Many potential homebuyers in Utah and Salt Lake Counties share this concern. Fortunately, viable options exist for buying a home with no money down. At Seasons Real Estate, we guide you through the process and help you find the best path to

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Is Buying a Home Worth It?

As a potential homebuyer, you might be asking yourself, “Is buying a home worth it?” This is a significant question and one that warrants careful consideration. At Seasons Real Estate, we believe that making an informed decision is crucial to your long-term happiness and financial stability. Let’s explore the key factors to help you determine

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Decoding the Numbers: How Is Your Monthly Income Payment Calculated?

Your monthly income payment is more than just a number – it’s a financial cornerstone. Whether you’re a homeowner managing a mortgage or considering rental income, understanding the intricacies of this calculation process is vital for informed financial decision-making. In this blog post, we’ll embark on a journey to unravel the complexities while acknowledging the

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Finding Your Sweet Spot: What Can I Afford When Buying a Home?

Introduction: Embarking on the journey to homeownership is an exciting yet pivotal moment. As you navigate the process, one crucial question looms large: What can I afford to buy? In this blog post, we’ll explore the importance of not just maxing out your lender qualification but also ensuring that your home purchase aligns with your

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Unveiling the Fiduciary Role: Why Your Real Estate Agent Puts You First

In the world of real estate, the terms “fiduciary” and “functionary” hold profound significance, shaping the relationship between agents and their clients. At Seasons Real Estate, we pride ourselves on being fiduciaries, a distinction that goes beyond mere function and places your needs at the forefront of every transaction. Understanding Fiduciary Duty: Before delving into

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