
Difference between Limited and Full Service Realtors

There are many business models in the world of real estate, and if you’ve followed me for a while, you’ll know that commission rates aren’t fixed. Some real estate agents work with limited service brokerages, while others work for full service ones. What’s the difference? Limited services offer their services at a reduced commission rate,

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How to Decide which House to Buy?

If you are looking to a buy a home in the near future, stop and ask yourself a few critical questions. First- where do you want to be? The old Realtor phrase ‘location, location, location!’ truly matters. Most people are willing to spend more money and compromise on the condition of a home in order

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Do You Own a Rental in Utah County?

If you owned a rental in Utah County in 2019, the newest law shakeups will affect you moving forward! Utah County started enforcing a new tax code that if you own a single family residence that you do not occupy, you will be charged 100% value of the home in your taxes instead of the

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Want to Buy a New House but Don’t Know Where to Start?

If you are thinking about buying a new home, please, please, PLEASE complete the following two steps before looking at homes. Meet with a lender and meet with a Realtor. It doesn’t matter which one you start with as long as you complete both meetings before home shopping. A lender will let you know if

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When Not to Buy a House

Believe it or not, even as a Realtor, I DO tell people NOT to buy homes in some circumstances! Below are four scenarios when you should NOT buy a house! If you plan to move out of an area in the next few years, don’t buy a home- you may not get enough of a

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What Real Estate Market are we in?

  If you’ve looked into real estate markets before, you may have heard the terms ‘buyer’s market’ or ‘seller’s market’. In addition, there’s a balanced market, where the number of buyers and sellers is about the same, so neither party has the advantage. Where are we in Utah and Salt Lake counties in 2020? ALL

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What will Home Prices do in 2020?

The most common Google search right now concerning house prices is “will home prices drop in 2020?” Well, to the best of my knowledge, I’ll help you answer that question. Right now, there are more people moving to Utah than there are people having babies- which is saying something! We had 17,800 come to Utah

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