Brady Summers

What’s the Best Day to List your Home for Sale?

What’s the Best Day to List your Home for Sale? WEDNESDAY!! I always list my homes on Wednesdays.  Why? Looky-loos, those shoppers that haven’t yet been qualified or who are just beginning to browse will look for homes over the weekend, when they have the most time. They’re just casual buyers. Serious, motivated buyers- those

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5 Reason to have a Realtor when Buying a New Construction Home

Why do you want a Realtor when building a new home? I’ll tell you five reasons! 1-Representation2-Issues3-Pros and Cons4-Upgrades5-Contracts Representation.The builder’s agent works for the builder and your agent works for you. The builder’s agent will get their next 20 transactions- basically their entire year’s work- from the builder, so if issues happen, they will

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Negotiating Repairs when Buying a Home

Once you have made an offer on your future home and that offer has been accepted by the seller, you’ll have a period called ‘due diligence’. During the due diligence period, your job is basically to make sure you’re comfortable buying the home. This is when you’ll call in a home inspector and any other

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What is a Zillow Pre-Foreclosure?

What is a Zillow Pre-Foreclosure? In Utah, if you get a notice of default, meaning you have missed a mortgage payment, that is made  public record. As soon as a notice of default is sent in the mail, anyone can find it. Zillow goes through local county records to see who has gotten a notice

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How to Tell if it’s Home that was FLIPPED Right

We all LOVE a good fixer-upper show and seeing a house go from junk to WOW in less than an hour… Well, it’s convinced more than a few of us to try our own hand at flipping homes. What exactly IS a flip? It’s when someone purchases an older, outdated home, updates it, then puts

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March Market Inventory in Utah?

Last year, about this time- it was chaos. If a house came onto the market, I’d drop everything to get my client in the house THAT DAY to be able to compete again several offers (sometimes 10-12 offers on a single house for some Realtors!) Right now, I have clients who are ready to look

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Are You STILL Paying Mortgage Insurance?

If you originally purchased your home and paid less than 20% for a down payment, you more than likely started paying mortgage insurance as part of your mortgage payment. The question, though, is are you STILL paying mortgage insurance- and do you still have to? If you bought your home before 2013 with an FHA

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