Buyer Beware- What does that Mean?

You may have heard me here or in my videos or even on Instagram say ‘buyer beware’ or ‘Utah is a buyer beware state’. Now, other than bringing to mind spooky images from a Halloween movie, what does beware mean in this sense? Buyer beware means that the buyer is responsible for their own due

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How to Manage a Relocation

Are you moving IN to Utah for a job? Or moving OUT of Utah for a job? I’ll give you some tips for both scenarios and hopefully they can help make your transition smoother. Scenario 1: Are you moving IN to Utah? Unfamiliar with how things work here? Step one- get a Realtor as your

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Top 6 Questions to Ask a Property Manager

Looking to have someone manage your rental(s) for you? Here are some questions to consider in the interview process. 1- What makes your company better than the other companies I’m interviewing? (Hint- please DO interview multiple companies!) 2-Let’s talk fees. How are they paid? When are they due? Do they come out of the rent?

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Top 5 Home Selling Mistakes + BONUS

These are the most common mistakes I see when people are selling their homes. Please, please do not do any of the following: 1-Hire the wrong Realtor. The barrier for entry is so low that almost anyone can start out as a Realtor- whether or not they have the skills for it. A good Realtor nets

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Property Taxes: What are they and WHO Pays them?

Image Credit Only two things are certain in life: taxes and death. Of property taxes, this is especially true. WHAT are they? Property taxes are assessed on the value of your home or property, based on the city/state that you live in. Some cities with more businesses paying more in taxes will have lower tax

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Who Pays for Title Insurance?

Everyone needs title insurance when buying a home. Title insurance is very regulated and costs about the same amount regardless of where you buy it (about 1% of the purchase price, which is rounded up from .77%, if you want to be technical). They are included in ‘closing costs’ as part of the fees. There

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How to Find Foreclosure Properties

As of November 2019, there were 11 foreclosures available in Utah and Salt Lake counties. In the last year, of the 27,000 homes sold in Utah and Salt Lake counties, 77 were foreclosure homes. One quarter of one percent. What does that tell you about foreclosed homes? They are RARE. It takes a lot for

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Who You Hire Matters when Selling a House

The National Association of Realtors have found that when hiring a Realtor, most people simply pick the first or second person that comes to mind, without doing much research. Buying a home is ranked as one of the most stressful and hectic life events that you’ll go through- and yet, far too many people simply

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What Will a Recession do to the Housing Marketing?

It can make people nervous when home values continue to climb. Will we have another recession? An economic depression? What will happen? While I can’t read the future and tell you everything that is going to happen, I can look back and see what the housing trends have been during recessions. A recession is defined

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Should You Wait and Save 20% Down when You Buy a Home?

Photo Credit AlexanderStein Pixaby Today, I’m going to give you a case study to help you decide whether or not you should wait and save a full 20% for a down payment before purchasing your next house. Let’s start with the numbers.$329,000 home with four bedrooms and 3 bathrooms, 2,000 square feet. (Average home in

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