Does a Recession mean a Housing Crisis?

No. While we are very likely to head into a recession (defined as when the GDP is negative for two quarters), that doesn’t mean it will lead to a housing crisis. In fact, in the last five recessions America has gone through, home values only dropped in two of them, one of those being 2008.

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A Tale of Two Offers

It’s something I say often- who you hire matters- but today, I want to illustrate that with a story. I recently had a listing where I received two offers. With the first offer, the agent called me before the showing to let me know that their buyers were fairly interested, then called again after the

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Coronavirus and the Real Estate Industry in March 2020

Interest rates have gone down drastically. You’ve probably heard about that, but you might be wondering why that is. Investors like to invest overseas and locally. When there are issues overseas, they will pull their money from overseas markets and invest in the bond market. The coronavirus pandemic overseas has caused investors to pull overseas

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Interest Rates are DROPPING!

Covid-19 fears, well-founded or not, are giving rise to a bit of stock market hysteria. People are pulling their money out of international stocks and putting it into bonds. When that happens, the bond rate goes down. Historically, though not actually tied to it, when the bond rate goes down, mortgage rates go down. We

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How to Search Homes for the Most Accurate Information

Most of us are familiar with websites like Redfin, Zillow,, Trulia, etc. While these might be fun to browse, if you are actually intent on purchasing a home, you don’t want to use these sites. Why? Because they are all syndicate sites. That means that their information comes from another site and they don’t

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What Do Active TC and Backup Status Mean on the MLS?

We don’t all speak Realtor-ese, much to our chagrin. Let me help you with some basic understanding on the MLS (multiple listing service) with a few terms that might not make sense. If you are looking at a home that says backup, it means that the seller has already accepted an offer on their home,

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The Fed Fund Rate is Zero! What does that Mean?

You may have heard that the fed fund rate has been dropped to zero- and you may wonder what that means! I’ll say that it may sound better than it actually is! The fed fund rate is basically the rate at which banks and lenders lend money to each other. So, your bank may be

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Million Dollar Homes

Just for fun, I wanted to share a bit of the rabbit hole I found myself in this morning as I delved into some million dollar homes sales in our area (For our discussion, million dollar homes are any homes that have sold for more than a million dollars). Utah county has sold 100 million

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Should I Sell my House in the Spring?

The answer to this one depends on your home!If you live in a home that is valued at less than $400,000 or else is a condo, then your potential buyer is much less likely to have school aged children, and thereby not controlled by the school calendar. This means that your buyer most likely be

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Pay your Mortgage if you Can

In these uncertain times, there is a lot of speculation about mortgages and what legislation might be passed to help those who are in need during this COVID-19 breakout. With this speculation comes the poor advice to just skip payments on your mortgage, which is just that: poor advice. If you have income or other

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