Brady Summers

What Are Seller Paid Closing Costs?

Closing costs are the fees incurred in obtaining a loan. Depending on the purchase price of your home and the type of loan you get, you may have the option of negotiating to have the seller pay for part or all of your closing costs. With most types of loans, you can request that up

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Different Realtors Get You Different Results

In the grand scheme of things, real estate is not that complicated. So, some are left to assume that all Realtors are the same and get you the exact same results. Not so. As a Realtor, I often do what is called ‘comps’. This is where you try to find the value of a home

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What Does it Take to Flip a House?

Who hasn’t seen a good HGTV show about flipping a home? We have all probably watched the physical renovations on TV: the decor, the painting, etc. But let’s talk for a minute about the fiscal side of things- how DO you flip a house? Let’s start with a common industry term- ARV- or ‘After Renovated

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What’s the Value of My Home?

“What is my home worth?” “How can I price my home?” “What do you think my home will sell for?” I get variations of this question ALL. THE. TIME. So, let me answer THIS question for you.How do I found out the value of my home? First of all- DON’T turn to a website like

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5 Ways to Tell if your Realtor is a Lemon

As a Realtor, I have an unfair advantage in being able to tell if another Realtor is good. I can pull their stats and verify if what they are claiming publicly is actually true. But, without being able to do that, it can sometimes be difficult to tell if your Realtor is doing a good

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Three Questions Answered about Title Insurance

What IS title insurance? It is insurance that says YOU are the owner. It’s a policy that the seller of the home gives to you to ensure you are protected as the legal, rightful owner of the home. Why do you need title insurance? To put it briefly, it protects YOUR ownership of your new

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Three Myths about Open Houses/New Construction

Today, I want to talk about three common misconceptions people have when looking at open houses and working with new construction. #1: “I don’t wanna buy my agent, I’ll just run through and let my agent know if I liked it or not.” At an open house, the Realtor who is most interested in SELLING

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Do Solar Panels Add Value to Your Home in Utah?

  Do solar panels add value to your home? The short answer? No! Not for resell value. The long answer, however…. is it can sometimes help to sell your home, if not add to the price. If your solar panels are paid off, it makes your home more desirable to buyers. It may not make

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Home Buyer Beware

Utah is a buyer beware state. What does that mean? It means that YOU are in charge of your own due diligence when buying a home and ALLLL home purchases are ‘as is’.For example…If you are buying a house in order to put in a basement apartment, you need to know which cities will and

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