Home Buying

The Home Buying Process

Are you looking to buy a home but don’t know where to start? Step one would be to meet with a Realtor and a lender. The reason that you need to do both is that you can’t do one or the other without buying a house. If you meet the Realtor first they might connect

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Market Info

What Is Going on in the Real Estate Market With Numbers

In my last post I talked about statistics and how we make decisions based off those statistics, so these are the numbers and this is how we make decisions based off the numbers. Right now (4/28/2020) in Utah County there are 1,771 active homes available on the market. If you take out the new construction,

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Home Selling

What Happens at Closing When You’re The Seller?

Now that you’ve gone through the whole process, your house is under contract and you’re about to close, what actually happens? You go to the title company and that is where you actually sign all the documents that transfer the home from you to the buyer. When you do this, make sure to bring at

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Home Buying

Moving Day

So you bought a house and how you get to move in! How do you go about planning and coordinating for that? My first tip is to make sure that you transfer your utilities before you even close on the property. You can schedule to have the utilities transferred to your name the day after

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Home Buying

What Happens in the Contract to Close Process?

You’ve found a house you really love, you’ve written an offer, negotiated, and it was accepted! What now? This process is typically a 30-45 day process. The first step is getting your earnest money to your Realtor or your title company depending on your contract. Earnest money goes towards your down payment or closing costs

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Home Selling

Real Estate Statistics

Everything I do in my business is based around statistics. What the average time on market is for your price point? What is happening for your neighbors? How can you look like the best deal on the market? Why do statistics even matter when it comes to real estate? The statistics are what you are

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Home Selling

Case Study: Who You Hire Matters

There are lots of options when it comes to hiring a Realtor. You can hire your friend, your neighbor, someone you don’t know, a professional, and so on. There are TONS of options out there and it is actually surprising how many Realtors there actually are. I thought I would share a case study of

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Home Selling

How to Get Your House Ready to Sell

In this post I am going to cover 10 different tips on how to make sure that your home is ready to sell. I have seen all of these work in amazing ways and I have even seen them help get offers on homes that weren’t selling. Deep Clean- Buyers are looking for their needs

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Home Buying

How to Find Foreclosed Homes

If you are looking to find foreclosed homes, the easiest way is to get in touch with your realtor so they can send you a Hot Sheet with foreclosed homes. The reason that it is easiest, is that there really isn’t a website that has a good search feature, and on these websites if they

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