Home Buying

5 Tips on How to Spot a Good Deal Buying a Home

Are you looking to get a good deal on your next home? Here are 5 things we look for when helping our clients try to find properties under their market value. 1- Bad pictures online. If the pictures are bad, a lot of buyers won’t come see the home. This puts you in a better

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What Does an Appraiser Look For?

Do you wonder what an appraiser actually looks for when appraising your home? Here are the top 5 things that they look for when determining the value of your home. 1- House Square Footage, this is measured from the exterior of the home. 2- Verifying the bedroom counts. They must have a closet, a window,

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Home Buying

Due Diligence for a Building Lot?

So you want to build a house, and you’ve found a lot that is perfect, and you want to put it under contract. What do you do now to make sure that it is the perfect lot for you? The first thing I would suggest is to make sure that utilities are stubbed at the

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Home Buying

How is Working With a Buyers Agent Free?

You’ve probably seen the advertisements that tell you all about how you should hire a buyers agent because it comes at no cost to you. How does that actually work? No one actually works for free… How it works is that when a seller hires an agent to sell their home for them, they offer

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Home Buying

The Home Buying Process

Are you looking to buy a home but don’t know where to start? Step one would be to meet with a Realtor and a lender. The reason that you need to do both is that you can’t do one or the other without buying a house. If you meet the Realtor first they might connect

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Home Buying

Moving Day

So you bought a house and how you get to move in! How do you go about planning and coordinating for that? My first tip is to make sure that you transfer your utilities before you even close on the property. You can schedule to have the utilities transferred to your name the day after

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Home Buying

What Happens in the Contract to Close Process?

You’ve found a house you really love, you’ve written an offer, negotiated, and it was accepted! What now? This process is typically a 30-45 day process. The first step is getting your earnest money to your Realtor or your title company depending on your contract. Earnest money goes towards your down payment or closing costs

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Home Buying

How to Find Foreclosed Homes

If you are looking to find foreclosed homes, the easiest way is to get in touch with your realtor so they can send you a Hot Sheet with foreclosed homes. The reason that it is easiest, is that there really isn’t a website that has a good search feature, and on these websites if they

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